Erasmus veckan / Erasmus Week
Erasmus veckan är vecka då alla utbyteselever som stannar i en vecka. Det här året kom eleverna från Spanien Grekland och Finland. De finska eleverna anlände till Limoges busstation på söndagen efter en fyra timmars bussresa från Bordeaux. Det var roligt att träffa mina vänner och lärare och få prata lite mera svenska men alla ville snabbt fara till sina hus efter den långa resan. På måndagen samlades alla elever i ett klassrum före vi åt morgonmål i skolan. På måndagen fick vi en rundtur av skolan och en av lärarna förklarade hur skolsystemet fungerar i Frankrike. Efter det gick alla elever på en lektion med sin egen utbyteselev tills det var dags för matrasten. Alla elever åt i skolans matsal och efteråt visade vi finka eleverna runt Limoges centrum. När matrasten var klar gick hela gruppen till Limoges museum för att se deras utställning av hur Liomges såg ut förr i tiden och hur staden växte. Efter rundturen av museet var dagen slut. På tisdagen började vi med att jobba i grupper och prata om olika videon som alla länder hade gjort om problem i skolan som mobbning, ätande i klassrum och fult språk mot lärarna. Sedan hoppade alla i en bus för att åka till en gammal pappersfabrik. I fabriken fick vi se hur man gör papper av olika material och se på en utställning gjord av helt av papper. Vi tog bussen tillbaka till skolan för att avsluta dagen.
The Erasmus week is when the students that stay for a week are in town. The students came from Spain, Gremany, Greece and Finland. The finnish students flew to Bordeux and came by bus to Limoges. On monday all of the students went to eat breakfast in school. We got a tour around the school and the teacher talked about their school system. We ate in school and during the break the finnish students walked around the city. When the break was done we went to a museum and when we were done they day was over. On Tuesday we worked in groups about school problems ond how to solve them. After that we went to an old paper factory. In the factory there was some art made of only paper. When our time was up we went back to the school and then our day was over.
The Erasmus week is when the students that stay for a week are in town. The students came from Spain, Gremany, Greece and Finland. The finnish students flew to Bordeux and came by bus to Limoges. On monday all of the students went to eat breakfast in school. We got a tour around the school and the teacher talked about their school system. We ate in school and during the break the finnish students walked around the city. When the break was done we went to a museum and when we were done they day was over. On Tuesday we worked in groups about school problems ond how to solve them. After that we went to an old paper factory. In the factory there was some art made of only paper. When our time was up we went back to the school and then our day was over.
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